27 November 2000
Helicopters and Cholera

Back to Kwa-Zulu Natal :

Seems our Premier of this province has lots to be accountable for. The beginning of this month I reported on his extravagant lifestyle flying to the office in a Learjet. Seems now some more has surfaced regarding this ANC member and employee of the people. A helicopter pad is being built at his residence (so that he can fly to the airport instead of driving). Over and above this, he has requested a new office block for his legislature. Seems the old building (which is half full at the best of times) is just not sufficient anymore. This exercise will cost the taxpayer in the region of Ten Million Rand.
With cholera and foot and mouth out of control in Sixty Percent of KwaZulu Natal, this sucker should not have a job anymore. But being an ANC member definitely has it's advantages - as long as you're a Black card carrier!
Getting back to the flying issue. It's been reported that most of the ministers insist on flying where they need to go. There are obvious benefits to this practise (especially flying from Johannesburg to Cape Town), but what is the pits is that these people insist on their drivers driving all the way so that they (the minister) can be picked-up at the airport in their own cars (well, government cars). And this only to be taken to the hotel! What the hell is going on with these people? 
Even worse, don't the people see how their hard-earned money is being wasted? Why are these officials still in power?

Being part of the minority in this here country gives me full license to criticize. The ANC has been in power for how long now. The people on the ground have seen what's happening and yet the ANC got into office again after the last elections. It is the poor that's been taken advantage of and they constitute the majority. Vote the suckers out!

I can only hope that with our local elections on the 5th of December, the ANC will loose a couple of prime seats. The general attitude amongst the black population is to not vote. How stupid can you get? But then again, this is Africa after all.

Cape Town has the honor of having the best hotel in the world. That's right. A score of Ninety Five Percent was given to a local hotel on the V&A Waterfront. The highest ever rewarded to any hotel in the world. And a game reserve has also walked off with top honors. Seems our tourism board must now jump in and actively promote these places. Tourism is big business anywhere in the world, but especially in South Africa. Pity about the crime and all the bombs in Cape Town, though that has subsided quite drastically with the arrest of certain PAGAD members a week or so ago. The citizens are also tired of all these bombs and have become more alert with anything suspicuous being reported immediately. 

Great show and it's about bloody time!